is a civic society promoting, protecting and raising interest in the City of Glasgow, through campaigning, discussion, projects, talks and exhibitions
Our aims:
To promote, encourage and stimulate public interest in, and care for, the beauty, history and character of the city of Glasgow and its surroundings;
To encourage high standards of architecture and town planning in the Glasgow region in co-operation with other interested organisations where appropriate;
To encourage the preservation, development and improvement of features of general public amenity or historic interest;
To pursue these ends by means of meetings, exhibitions, lectures, publications, conferences, publicity and the promotion of schemes of a charitable nature.

Imagine Glasgow 2023

Building Stories 2023: A Storytelling Project About Glasgow's Derelict Buildings

Men, Myth and Monsters Tour with This Is My Glasgow

The Glasgow's 1988 Festival: How Did The Garden Grow?

Building Stories: A Storytelling Project About Glasgow's Derelict Buildings

NGS-GIA A Hustings for Glasgow Built Environment
![Imagine Glasgow 2021 [COP26 Edition]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/62a08cddcdfc4e2ae16e36fd/1681678706151-E7UR5D612MO9SQ64KVE1/event+poster_imagine+glasgow_landscape.jpg)
Imagine Glasgow 2021 [COP26 Edition]

Unfolding Argyle Street with NGS & Glasgow Gander

The Secret Soviet Map of Glasgow Revealed
Exhibit With Us
The Society runs a well-located gallery space with a prominent shopfront in Finnieston. Available for hire for exhibitions and events at corporate and community rates. A two-day period is the minimum duration for which NGS normally hire the venues, though exceptions can occasionally be made due to special circumstances.